We all enter marriage with a forever mindset. Many relationships end because of either divorce or loss of a spouse through death. We are all made for relationships and our physical and mental health improve dramatically when we share our life with a special someone. Isolation and loneliness come with health risks that affect your immune system, depression and stress.
- Admit to yourself that you are prepared to start dating again. Give yourself time to grieve the loss of a spouse, but also know when it is the right time for you to take the first step forward.
- This is a time to reacquaint yourself with fun activities you used to enjoy and the opportunity to try something new.
- Be prepared to bring someone new into your life. Think about introducing the new person to your children, family and friends. Make sure you have a strong support system that will encourage you and lend an ear when needed.
- Continue to take time for yourself. Practice self care such as exercise, meditation and a healthy diet.
- You can enjoy your life and grieve the loss of a loved one simultaneously. Give yourself permission to do this. Realize that moving forward will include times when you move both forward and backwards. Be kind to yourself and take adequate time to heal.
Get Ready To Date introduces clients over 40 who are looking for a second chance for love. This is an easy, effective way to meet relationship minded, financially stable single adults. Debra offers a complimentary consultation to her clients. Services include relationship coaching, an image consultation as well as matchmaking. Clients meet the first time at a high end restaurant and spend time getting to know each other. As a boutique matchmaker Debra takes time to learn what each client is looking for in their next relationship.
Rosie and Jay are two such clients, both in their 70’s. Their first date was at Pizzico on the East Side of Providence. They were as nervous as high school kids on a first date. After a three hour dinner they started dating and seven months later are deliriously in love. They celebrate every 28th of the month, the date of their first meeting. They take time to surprise and delight each other with dining at an exotic eatery, enjoying a Broadway show, or a horse drawn carriage through Central Park. Both were ready to let love enter their lives again and are experiencing a new level of joy and happiness.